10: Proposed Instrument and Data Collection Procedure
Hello everyone. This week’s focus will be on finding research instrument for the study and also proposing data collection procedure. Proposed Instrument Research instruments are tools in obtaining information relevant for the research that we conduct (Wilkinson and Birmingham, 2003). There are two research instruments that I wish to use in my study to measure students’ learning styles and strategies in learning literature respectively. For now, I have found only one questionnaire regarding learning strategies. It is a survey questionnaire from Oxford (1989) which is Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) version 7.0 for EFL/ESL. The questionnaire covers all six learning strategies and it consists of 50 items where students need to respond on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from ‘never or almost never true of me’. However, this questionnaire is used to measure strategies in language learning and not for literature studies. Therefore, there are modifications that wil...