
Showing posts from May, 2020

10: Proposed Instrument and Data Collection Procedure

Hello everyone. This week’s focus will be on finding research instrument for the study and also proposing data collection procedure.  Proposed Instrument Research instruments are tools in obtaining information relevant for the research that we conduct (Wilkinson and Birmingham, 2003). There are two research instruments that I wish to use in my study to measure students’ learning styles and strategies in learning literature respectively. For now, I have found only one questionnaire regarding learning strategies. It is a survey questionnaire from Oxford (1989) which is Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) version 7.0 for EFL/ESL. The questionnaire covers all six learning strategies and it consists of 50 items where students need to respond on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from ‘never or almost never true of me’. However, this questionnaire is used to measure strategies in language learning and not for literature studies. Therefore, there are modifications that wil...

09: Research Population and Sample

Hello and a very good morning! This week’s topic is about deciding the research population and sample for my study. According to Bacon-Shonne (2015) , population is the respondents of interest of the researcher and sample is the respondents selected from the population for a study. My desired target respondents would be all TESL undergraduate students from a public university in Malaysia. In choosing my respondents, I need to ensure that they are currently taking or have already taken literature subjects in their university due to the focus of my study which is learning literature. I also need to know their academic performance in literature subjects to determine whether they are successful or less successful learners. I have not decided yet on which university should I choose but I am thinking of selecting respondents from UiTM Puncak Alam since it is closer to Shah Alam. Hence, it will be easier for me to go and meet the respondents to conduct my study. The sampling technique tha...

08: Draft for Chapter Three (Research Design)

Greetings, This week's task required us to update on our Chapter 3, particularly on 3.2 Research Design. In deciding what kind of research design would be best for my study, I viewed various slides on research design prepared by my classmates. After I have done reviewing, I decided that it would be best for me to employ quantitative approach with correlational research design in my study. The rationale for this is because I am trying to find out the relationship between learning styles and strategies used by TESL undergraduate students. Creswell (2012) states that correlational design is used “to describe and measure the degree of association between two or more variables” hence I think it is appropriate for me to employ this type of research design in my research. There is also a digital book that I think is helpful for me to learn more about deciding research design in my study. It is a book by Creswell (2012) on Educational Research. Here is the link to the book and some content...