06: Draft for Chapter One

1.1 Introduction
Over the years, technology has been evolving day by day and a lot of things have changed to accommodate the humans. People no longer have to pay bills or settle their taxes at the counter anymore and company meetings do not necessarily need to be held in a meeting room as all of these affairs can actually be done online. Similarly, the education field seems to not want to be left behind in this aspect. Hence, the Ministry of Education has put much emphasis in the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) on the importance of online learning. Online learning is the “delivery of learning by electronic typically through the internet” (Ministry of Education, 2015). The modes of online learning can be divided into two which are synchronous and asynchronous learning (Shahabadi & Uplane, 2014). Synchronous learning provides real-time interaction where teachers and students have to be online at the same time (Perveen, 2016) while asynchronous learning does not occur in real time (Aaron, 2016). One of the mediums in synchronous learning is video conferencing which occurs in real time.

According to Smith (2003), as cited in Loranc- Pazylk (2015), the term ‘video conferencing’ refers to a system where two or more people can interact with one another despite the different locations, while both seeing and hearing each other in real time with the help of a particular equipment and a fast internet connection.

1.2 Background of Study
In Malaysia, video conferencing is not a common practice yet among educators in the context of English language teaching. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic where schools are forced to be closed and universities are advised to conduct classes via online (Ministry of Higher Education, 2019), the teaching and learning process via video conferencing seems to be growing exponentially. Still, not many studies are being done on how teachers teach English using video conferencing as a tool in Malaysian context.

1.3 Problem Statement
Video conferencing is one of the web-based technologies that can help teachers to deliver their lessons online instead of requiring a face-to-face interaction between educators and students. Therefore, video conferencing can be helpful for educators to communicate with their students who are far away. According to Anas and Musdariah (2018), this type of communication which is known as ‘communication 2.0’, will enable ESL educators to connect with their students regardless of their time and place. However, as convenient as it sounds, this platform can be a bother for the educators if they are facing difficulties in using it and this will cause the educators to have negative attitudes towards teaching English via video conferencing. Yanti, Setiawan, Nurhabibah and Yannuar (2018) state that teachers’ attitudes and beliefs towards technology can influence successful integration of technology into teaching. Hence, this research is conducted in order to find out the teachers’ perception towards using video conferencing as a platform in teaching English.

Other than that, there are limited studies on the implementation of video conferencing as a teaching platform in Malaysia. Even the implementation of video conferencing as a teaching platform itself is still quite foreign in the educational world particularly in this country. Since this application is quite new, most educators might not know the right kind of methods or strategies to be used in teaching English as a second language via video conferencing. Choosing and making the right teaching material for online lesson via video conferencing can also be tricky if educators are not familiar in doing so since teaching language using video conferencing is different from traditional teaching. The teaching materials should be ‘video conferencing friendly’ to make it easier for learning to take place. According to Memic-Fisic and Bijedic (2017), effective electronic teaching materials should consist of different learning theories in order to make sure that they enable learning in context, have positive influence on students’ motivation, promote interaction, provide relevant feedback and offer support during the learning process. Thus, this study is conducted in order to find out if there are any particular methods or strategies and teaching materials being used in teaching English as a second language using video conferencing.

1.4 Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers’ perception towards using video conferencing as a tool in teaching English as a second language and the methods, strategies and teaching materials used by teachers.

1.5 Research Objectives
The objectives of the study are as follows:
1.      What are teachers’ perceptions towards using video conferencing in teaching English as a Second Language?
2.      What are the methods and strategies used by the teachers in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing?
3.      What are the teaching materials used by the teachers in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing?

1.6 Research Questions
1.      To discover teachers’ perceptions in using video conferencing as a tool in teaching English as a Second Language.
2.      To find out the methods and strategies used by the teachers in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing.
3.      To find out the teaching materials used by the teachers in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing.

1.7 Significance of Study
This study is done to obtain the results of which knowing the perception of ESL teachers in using video conferencing as a teaching tool and the methods, strategies and teaching materials used by teachers in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing. Therefore, this study will be beneficial for English educators and also educational institutions to see whether teachers have positive or negative perceptions towards this application. The results of this study can help to determine whether there is a need to provide a special training for teachers in teaching English using video conferencing in order to make them more comfortable in using the application. Curriculum designers can also help to provide instructional materials that are suitable to be used in the teaching and learning of English language via video conferencing.

1.8 Limitation of Research
This study is limited among ESL teachers in a particular institution only. In this case, the findings of this study cannot be generalized on ESL teachers in other institutions due to the different environment and practice.
There are some limitations faced by the researcher during the conduct of this study. The limitation is in the aspect of finance. In conducting the research, the researcher is required to photocopy different kinds of documents and papers and with a limited budget, the researcher experiences slight difficulties.

1.9 Definition of Terms
1.9.1 ESL Teachers
The term ESL refers to English as a Second Language. In Malaysia, English is accepted as the second language and is broadly used as a mean of instruction in both formal and informal situation (Hashim & Yunus, 2018). In this study, ESL teachers are teachers who teach English as a second language in X academy through online classes.

1.9.2 Synchronous Learning
Synchronous learning is learning and teaching process that occurs simultaneously via an electronic mode (Perveen, 2016). In this study, the medium of synchronous learning being used for teaching and learning of English is video conferencing as platforms.

1.9.3 Methods and Strategies in Teaching English as a Second Language
Richard et al. (1992) defines method as “a way of teaching a language which is based on systematic principles and procedures” (as cited in Samaranayake, 2015). In the context of this study, method refers to the way ESL teachers teach English as a second language to the students via video conferencing.

1.9.4 Strategies in Teaching English as a Second Language
According to Stone and Morris (1972), teaching strategy is “a generalized plan for a lesson which includes structure, instructional objectives and an outlined of planned tactics, necessary to implement the strategies” (as cited in Isaac, 2010). In this study, strategies are the activities conducted by teachers in teaching English using video conferencing.


Anas, I. & Musdariah, A. (2018). Being an E-Teacher: Preparing the ESL Teacher to Teach           English with Technology. Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics,           3(1).
Chan, C., Embi, M., & Hashim, H. (2019). Primary School Teachers’ Readiness towards Heutagogy and Peeragogy. Asian Education Stydies, 4, 11-21. https://doi.org/    10.20849/aes.v4ol.602
Hashim, H. U. & Yunus, M. M. (2018). English as a Second Language (ESL) Learning:    Setting the Right Environment for Second Language Acquisition. Tadris: Journal of Education and Teacher Training, 3(2). 10.24042/tadrisv3i2.2941
Isaac, J. C. (2010). Methods and Strategies of Teaching: an overview. Pondicherry University      Press.
Loranc- Pazylk, B. (2015). Videoconferencing as a Tool for Developing Speaking Skills.   10.1007/978-3-642-38339-7_12
Memic-Fisic, I. & Bijedic, N. (2017). Teaching Materials for ESL Distance Learning.        Explorations in English Language and Linguistics, 5(1). DOI:10.2478./exell-2018-   0003
Ministry of Education Malaysia. (2015). Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher            Education).
Perveen, A. (2016). Synchronous and Asynchoronous E-Language Learning: A Case Study          of Virtual University of Pakistan. Open Praxis, 8(1).     https://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.8.1.212
Samaranayake, S. (2015). The Bes Method in ESL/EFL Teaching. International Journal of            English and Literature, 5(5).
Shahabadi, M. M. & Uplane, M. (2014). Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Learning Styles         and Academic Performance of E-Learners. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,        176. 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.453
Son,J. B. (2011). Online Tools for Language Teaching. Retrieved April 3, 2020, from        https://www.tesl-ej.org/wordpress/issues/volume15/ej57/ej57int/
Yanti, H., Setiawan, A., Nurahabibah. & Yannuar. (2018). Teachers’ Perception about the            Use of E-Learning/Edmodo in Educational Activities. IOP Conference Series:          Materials Science and Engineering. 306.012055.10.1088/1757-899X/306/1/012055.


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