07: Revised Topic & Draft for Chapter One and Chapter Two


Before I start writing about my progress for this week, I would like to make a clarification regarding my topic. Previously, I have listed some topics that I would like to do for my research and those topics include use of technology in ESL classroom (video conferencing) or learning literature. At first, I would like to do about literature but then I changed it to video conferencing in ESL and now once again I have decided to go back to literature. The reasons for this are because I realized I did not really understand my objectives, what I wanted to achieve from doing the research and it was quite vague for me when I was searching for past studies regarding video conferencing in ESL. My previous target respondents are not available as well due to some circumstances so I decided to start over and focus on literature learning. I am very sorry for any confusion and inconvenience.  I know it is going to be more challenging from here now on since I need to start again but I am up to that challenge. After all, doing research is a continuous process of learning.

My new and final topic is entitled ‘STRATEGIES AND PREFERRED LEARNING STYLES IN LEARNING LITERATURE AMONG PRE-SERVICE ESL TEACHERS’ (working title). I decided to focus on literature learning among TESL undergraduate students as I am keen to find out the kind of styles and strategies that these students employ when they are learning literature. Plus, literature is a hard subject so knowing the right kind of strategies to be applied would come in handy later especially for most of these students who are going to become English teachers in the future. They can apply strategies and conduct activities that are suitable to their students’ learning styles during literature lesson.

Okay, so now let’s move on to this week’s progress.

For this week’s progress, we are required to come up with draft for our chapter two but since I started new, I will update both of my chapter one and two. Here is the link to my draft of chapter one and two:


This draft may not be much but I am hoping to develop more ideas in the near time and improve my Chapter One and Two. I will keep on reading past year articles and do more research regarding my topic. Thank you.


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