04: (Revised) Problem Statement, Research Questions and Research Objectives

Proposed Title: Video Conferencing as a Platform in Teaching English as a Second Language

Problem Statement
Video conferencing is one of the web-based technologies that can help teachers to deliver their lessons online instead of requiring a face-to-face interaction between educators and students. Therefore, video conferencing can be helpful for educators to communicate with their students who are far away. According to Anas and Musdariah (2018), this type of communication which is known as ‘communication 2.0’, will enable ESL educators to connect with their students regardless of their time and place. However, as convenient as it sounds, this platform can be a bother for the educators if they are facing difficulties in using it. Having lack of knowledge in technology and not being ready in using it can increase their chances in facing difficulties while doing video conferencing. This will cause the educators to have negative attitudes towards teaching English via video conferencing. Yanti, Setiawan, Nurhabibah and Yannuar (2018) state that teachers’ attitudes and beliefs towards technology can influence successful integration of technology into teaching. Hence, this research is conducted in order to find out the level of teachers’ readiness in doing video conferencing as a platform in teaching English.

Other than that, there are limited studies on the implementation of video conferencing as a teaching platform in Malaysia. Even the implementation of video conferencing as a teaching platform itself is still quite foreign in the educational world particularly in this country. Since this application is quite new, most educators might not know the right kind of methods or strategies to be used in teaching English as a second language via video conferencing. Choosing and making the right teaching material for online lesson via video conferencing can also be tricky if educators are not familiar in doing so since video conferencing is different from traditional teaching. The teaching materials should be ‘video conferencing friendly’ to make it easier for learning to take place. According to Memic-Fisic and Bijedic (2017), effective electronic teaching materials should consist of different learning theories in order to make sure that they enable learning in context, have positive influence on students’ motivation, promote interaction, provide relevant feedback and offer support during the learning process. Thus, this study is conducted in order to find out if there are any particular methods or strategies and teaching materials being used in teaching English as a second language via video conferencing.

Research Questions
1.      What is the level of teachers’ readiness in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing?
2.      What are the methods and strategies used by the teachers in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing?
3.      What are the teaching materials used by the teachers in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing?

Research Objectives
1.      To identify the level of teachers’ readiness in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing.
2.      To find out the methods and strategies used by the teachers in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing.
3.      To find out the teaching materials used by the teachers in teaching English as a Second Language via video conferencing.

Anas, I. & Musdariah, A. (2018). Being an E-Teacher: Preparing the ESL Teacher to Teach           English with Technology. Journal of English Language Teaching and  Linguistics, 3(1).

Memic-Fisic, I. & Bijedic, N. (2017). Teaching Materials for ESL Distance Learning.        Explorations in English Language and Linguistics, 5(1). DOI:10.2478./exell-2018-0003

Yanti, H., Setiawan, A., Nurahabibah. & Yannuar. (2018). Teachers’ Perception about the Use of E-Learning/Edmodo in Educational Activities. IOP Conference Series:Materials Science and Engineering. 306.012055.10.1088/1757-899X/306/1/012055.


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